Saturday, February 14, 2009

The 'Mixmaster" matchmaker

This is Claudia (on the Right) who Michele and Collette fondly call the 'Mixmaster'. She is the mutual friend that introduced Collette to Michele at a party for former emplyees of the nail salon, The Purple Turtle'.At that introduction Collette became aware of Michele and Nigel's long and dssapointing journey to watning to become parents. Claudia jokingly suggested that since Collete knew how to have babies quite well she ought to be a 'surrogate' for them. Collette replied that,'This factory is closed". But her new friends situation touched her heart. She and Tony decided to help. We are all amazed at all that has transpired to bring this goal to fullfilment.

R to L is Anthony, Collette, Michele, Claudia holding Delaney.

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